Der Gesprächskreis BITUMEN - Ein Bündnis für den Arbeitsschutz

The potential health risks from vapours and aerosols from bitumen have been discussed for several years now. This is not least because the topics tar and bitumen are often not clearly distinguished from one another. Aside from that fact, in Germany there has been a technically derived threshold value in place since 1997 for vapours and aerosols from bitumen in the air when the heated material is being worked. The joint effort of all associations and institutions involved in the BITUMEN discussion group have led to a more matter-of-fact discussion on the classification and the threshold value for bitumen. Aside from that, the discussion group is considered to be the example of branch-wide agreements that can be used to approach clearly defined problems and solve them together in the spirit of an alliance for occupational safety. The report outlines the original setting for the BITUMEN discussion group, explains the completed tasks as well as those that are still running, and addresses the significance of the discussion group as an alliance for occupational safety.
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