Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Elimination of 8-2 Fluorotelomer Alcohol in the Rat

The absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination of [3- 14 C] 8-2 fluorotelomer alcohol (8-2 FTOH, C7F15 14 CF2CH2CH2OH) following a single oral dose at 5 and 125 mg/kg in male and female rats have been determined. Following oral dosing, the maximum concentration of 8-2 FTOH in plasma occurred by 1 h postdose and cleared rapidly with a half-life of less than 5 h. The internal dose to 8-2 FTOH, as measured by area under the concentration-time curve to infinity, was similar for male and female rats and was observed to increase in a dosedependent fashion. The majority of the 14 C 8-2 FTOH ( > 70%) was excreted in feces, and 37‐55% was identified as parent. Less than 4% of the administered dose was excreted in urine, which contained low concentrations of perfluorooctanoate (~ 1% of total 14 C). Metabolites identified in bile were principally composed of glucuronide and glutathione conjugates, and perfluorohexanoate was identified in excreta and plasma, demonstrating the metabolism of the parent FTOH by sequential removal of multiple CF2 groups. At 7 days postdose, 4‐7% of the administered radioactivity was present in tissues, and for the majority, 14 C concentrations were greater than whole blood with the highest concentration in fat, liver, thyroid, and adrenals. Distribution and excretion of a single 125-mg/kg [3- 14 C] 8-2 FTOH dermal dose following a 6-h exposure in rats was also determined. The majority of the dermal dose either volatilized from the skin (37%) or was removed by washing (29%). Following a 6-h dermal exposure and a 7-day collection period, excretion of total radioactivity via urine ( < 0.1%) and feces ( < 0.2%) was minor, and radioactivity concentrations in most tissues were below the limit of detection. Systemic availability of 8-2 FTOH following dermal exposure was negligible.
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