Elektronik sigara(e-sigara) geleneksel sigara gibi bir goruntusu olan ve sigara iciyormus gibi bir his veren kalem veya aksesuar seklinde tasarlanmis bir nikotin kaynagidir. E-sigaranin normal sigaradan daha az zararli oldugu dusunulse de bu dusunce e-sigara kullaniminin guvenli oldugu anlamina gelmez. E-sigaralarin aerosol seklindeki buharinin icinde nikotin, akcigerlerin derinliklerine inebilecek ultra ince tanecikler, ciddi akciger hastaliklarina sebep olabilecek kimyasallardan olan diasetil aroma gibi maddeler, ucucu organik bilesikler, kansere yol acan kimyasal maddeler, nikel, kalay ve kursun gibi agir metaller gibi zararli bircok madde bulunmaktadir. E-sigaralar, sigarayi birakma yontemi olarak FDA tarafindan onaylanmamistir. Turkiye’de, Saglik Bakanligi da dahil verilen ugraslarla bu tip urunlerin reklami, satisi ve pazarlanmasina sinirlama getirilmis; tibbi bir urun olmadigi gercegi halka yansitilmaya calisilmistir. Sonuc olarak, e-sigara dunyada oldugu gibi ulkemizde de kullanimi giderek artmasi beklenen bir halk sagligi sorunudur. Diger taraftan saglik personelinin ve toplumun e-sigaranin zararlari konusunda egitilmesi, e-sigaraya karsi dogru tutumu sergilemelerinde yardimci olacaktir. Anahtar kelimeler: E-sigara, nikotin, tutun, tutun kontrolu Abstract: Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) is a nicotine source designed in the form of a pen or accessory that looks like a traditional cigarette and feels like a cigarette. Although e-cigarettes are considered to be less harmful than normal cigarettes, this does not mean that e-cigarettes are safe to use. The aerosolized vapor of e-cigarettes contains many harmful substances such as nicotine, ultrafine particles which can penetrate into the depths of the lungs, substances such as diacetyl aroma which can cause serious lung diseases, volatile organic compounds, chemical substances that cause cancer, heavy metals such as nickel, tin and lead. E-cigarettes are not approved by the FDA as a way to quit smoking. In Turkey, Ministry of Health, including the advertised deal with this type of product, sales and marketing, a restriction was imposed; the fact that it is not a medical product has been tried to be reflected to the public. As a result, e-cigarette is a public health problem that is expected to increase in use in our country as well as in the world. On the other hand, training of healthcare personnel and the community about the harms of e-cigarette will help in demonstrating correct attitude towards e-cigarette. Keywords: E-cigarette, nicotine, tobacco, tobacco control
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