Small molecule inhibition of non-canonical (TAK1-mediated) BMP signaling results in reduced chondrogenic ossification and heterotopic ossification in a rat model of blast-associated combat-related lower limb trauma.

Abstract Heterotopic ossification (HO) is defined as ectopic bone formation around joints and in soft tissues following trauma, particularly blast-related extremity injuries, thermal injuries, central nerve injuries, or orthopaedic surgeries, leading to increased pain and diminished quality of life. Current treatment options include pharmacotherapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, radiotherapy, and surgical excision, but these treatments have limited efficacy and have associated complication profiles. In contrast, small molecule inhibitors have been shown to have higher specificity and less systemic cytotoxicity. Previous studies have shown that bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling and downstream non-canonical (SMAD-independent) BMP signaling of TGF-β activated kinase-1 (TAK1) contributes to HO. In the current study, small molecule inhibition of TAK1, NG-25, was evaluated for its efficacy in limiting ectopic bone formation following a rat blast-associated lower limb trauma and a murine burn tenotomy injury model. A significant decrease in total HO volume in the rat blast injury model was observed by microCT imaging with no systemic complications following NG-25 therapy. Furthermore, tissue-resident mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) harvested from rats treated with NG-25 demonstrated decreased proliferation, limited osteogenic differentiation capacity, and reduced gene expression of Tac1, Col10a1, Ibsp, Smad3, and Sox2 (P
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