Enhancing Sustainable Maintenance Performance Using Lean Competitive Manufacturing Strategy: A Case Study in Steel Company

XYZ is a company engaged in the steel making industry. The company has carriedout sustainable activities both in an inclusive manner that leads to the applicablesustainability standards. Companies need a Sustainable Lean Maintenance design based oneconomic, environmental and social pillar indicators. which can be applied by the companyto support their sustainability activities. This study aims to analyze the mapping of leansustainable maintenance in the company to enhance the sustainable maintenanceperformance. Research begins by measuring awareness of sustainability and determining thedrivers of sustainability, barriers to sustainability, and benefits of sustainability. Then theresearch was continued by making Current Sustainability Maintenance Value StreamMapping (Current Sust-MVSM) and conduct the waste analysis. The waste that occurs arewaste waiting time between maintenance activities that occur because of the operatorlateness in repairing the machine and delay due to finding the mechanical and tools needed.Furthermore, there is waste in maintenance activities because of the excess inspectionactivities. Next the Sustainability Index (SI) is calculated and the SI value is 91.97% whichindicates that the company needs to make improvements to achieve the company target.Analysis is carried out to get suggestions for improvements related to the problems that occurand enhancing sustainable maintenance performance by making of the Future SustMVSM.The proposed improvement are applying 5S method in component storage activitiesand tools needed for maintenance activities, pokayoke approach in monitoring the machineand also doing practical training about lean maintenance and sustainable for production andmaintenance operator.
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