Periphere Lymphknotenschwellungen im Kindesalter - Empfehlungen für eine rationelle Diagnostik

Background: Enlargement of peripheral lymph nodes most commonly caused by a local inflammatory process is frequently seen in childhood. The aim of the present study was to analyze the most common causes of peripheral lymphadenopathy and to develop a simple algorithm for the primary diagnostic evaluation of peripheral lymph node enlargement in this age group. Patients: Between April and September 1999 87 unselected children (median age: 51/2 years) with peripheral lymphadenopathy were referred to the Department of Pediatrics, University of Graz, for further investigation. Results: EBV infection was diagnosed in 20 (23.0%) children. 19 (21.8%) patients had acute bacterial lymphadenitis. In 21 (24.1%) patients lymph node enlargement was classified as post/parainfectious (viral). Four patients each had toxoplasmosis and cat scratch disease. In 11 (12.6%) patients neither physical nor laboratory examinations revealed pathologic results. Among the remaining 8 children sarcoidosis and Hodgkin disease was diagnosed in one patient each. Small, soft, mobile, nontender, cervical, axillary or inguinal lymph nodes do not require further investigations. In case of enlarged, tender lymph nodes with overlying skin erythema and fever diagnostic evaluation should include complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and/or c-reactive protein level, supplemented by appropriate antibody testing (EBV, CMV, Toxoplasma gondii, Bartonella henselae). Firm, enlarged, painless lymph nodes which are matted together and fixed to the skin or underlying tissues necessitate a more detailed diagnostic evaluation in order to exclude malignant or granulomatous diseases. Conclusions: Our study demonstrated that primary diagnostic evaluation of childhood peripheral lymphadenopathy is mainly based on clinical grounds. In most cases a small number of additionally performed laboratory tests allow to correctly identify the cause of the peripheral lymph node enlargement.
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