Atividade ulcerogênica do celecoxibe, piroxicam e piroxicam associado a sulfato de zinco em modelo de granuloma em ratos Ulcerogenic activity of celecoxib, piroxicam and piroxicam associated with zinc sulfate in granuloma model in rats

Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the ulcerogenic activity of celecoxib (selective COX-2), the piroxicam and piroxicam + zinc sulfate (nonselective NSAIDs). Method: It has been utilized introduction of cotton pellets in the abdominal region of rats, and by evaluating the formation of gastric lesions promoted by the model. Results: The results showed that granuloma formation did not induce gastric lesions. Conclusions: Among the drugs studied, there was a higher incidence of gastric lesions caused by piroxicam when compared with celecoxib, while the association piroxicam + zinc sulfate had lower gastric lesion, when compared to piroxicam.
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