A szenzoros információ párhuzamos feldolgozó mechanizmusai az emlősagyban = Paralell processing of sensory information in the mammalian brain

Elettani es anatomiai vizsgalataink egy olyan uj koncepcio bizonyitasara iranyulnak, mely szerint a szenzoros informacio feldolgozasa egymassal parhuzamosan, egymastol tobbe-kevesbe fuggetlenul futo csatornakon/palyakon/aramlatokon keresztul valosul meg. A palyazat vegrehajtasa soran altatott, immobilizalt macskak agyaban extracellularis egysejt-tevekenyseget regisztraltunk, valamint nyomkovető anyagokkal palyaanalizist vegeztunk. Emellett eber, viselkedő majmok inferotemporalis kergeben regisztraltunk egysejtaktivitast a kepfelismeres elettani folyamatainak tisztazasara. A vizsgalatok mas resze pszichiatriai, neurologiai vagy szemeszeti korkepekben szenvedő embereken tortent. Leirtuk, hogy a bazalis ganglionok ket magjaban (nucleus caudatus es substantia nigra) levő sejtek klasszikus receptiv mező tulajdonsagai megfelelnek az altalunk korabban leirt tecto-thalamo-corticalis multimodalis palyarendszer neuronjainak elettani sajatsagaival. Morfologiai eredmenyeink osszegzese es az elettani adatokkal tortenő osszevetese alkalmat nyujt arra, hogy egy multimodalis szenzoros informaciofeldolgozo modellt allitsunk ossze, mely a bazalis ganglionok szenzoros bemenetenek ujszerű szemleletet szolgaltatja. A makako majom inferotemporalis kergi sejtjei egysegtevekenysegenek merese lehetőve tette a vizualis asszociativ funkcio es percepcios neuronalis műkodes osszeveteset is. | Our physiological and anatomical experiments were aimed at verifying a novel concept in sensory information processing. This concept implies that sensory information is processed through parallel, more or less independent channels/pathways/streams. We recorded extracellular single-unit activity in the brain of anaesthetized, immobilized cats and analyzed sensory pathways employing various tracers. In addition to this, single-unit activity was recorded in the inferotemporal cortex of awake, restrained monkeys in order to clarify the physiological processes during perception. Other experiments were performed in psychiatric, neurological and ophthalmologic patients. Our most important finding was that we proved the classical receptive field properties of some basal ganglia (caudate nucleus and substantia nigra) correspond to the physiological properties of neurons in the tecto-thalamo-cortical multimodal pathway described by us during the last 25 years. Integration of our morphological data with the results of physiological experiments allowed us to construct a novel model of sensory information processing that suggest the sensory input towards the basal ganglia being of tectal origin. The analysis of neuronal activity in the inferotemporal cortex of monkeys allowed a comparison of visual associative function and neuronal activity. In our clinical investigations we analyzed the consequences of selective pathway lesions in various disease forms.
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