Контрольно-регулирующая функция управления процессом эффективного использования земель сельскохозяйственного назначения

Article considered the problem of preservation and more effective use lands of agricultural purpose and solution on the basis of improvement control regulating function of management in the land use sphere. Given assessment to process of land reforming and it’s noted that any of the created laws didn’t solve the main problem of the rational, socially oriented, distribution of land ownership, considering interests of agrobusiness and the population of rural territories. There is a concentration land of agricultural purpose in property of large agroholdings, corruption at distribution by municipalities withdrawn at their order prospers because of non-uses lands. Also actions were carried out due to transfer of farmlands to other categories. Process of renewal of land shares to sites that constrains process of agrocooperation of their owners and population farms is extremely slow. On the average across Ural federal district (URFO) in a year 88 thousand shares are renewed and more than 800 thousand are demanded. Outlines steps to correct the land reform, allowing ensuring the safety of agricultural land. In particular was showed delivery by their state at agroholdings and the subsequent transfer to landowners, on condition of their accelerated motivational cooperation. Offered priority option of multi-purpose use farmlands of various fertility: more fertile lands, at necessary state support, are used only for productions of agroproduction, and on less fertile and thrown the coniferous construction forest which, as well as the earth, is wealth and property of the nation is grown up. Considering that low-fertile sites are unclaimed by agroenterprise structures for production of agricultural production, on them can be placed and various infrastructure objects necessary for development of rural territories. It is possible to carry different types of diversification agrobusiness to them (production of building materials, construction rural roads and objects of a social infrastructure). Obviously, the final decision on target use of low-fertile lands will be made by power state structures at the level of municipalities (rural regions). Other measures are offered also: increasing the responsibility of government authorities for results of land transformations; cooperation of owners of land shares (sections) and population farms with the subsequent connection them to integration agroformations of cluster type; the triple monitoring system behind multi-purpose use of lands.
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