Package of Essential Noncommunicable Disease Services at Peri-Urban Community Setting in Chandigarh, India- An Implementation Research Study

Background: The National Programme for prevention and control of cancer, diabetes, cardiovasculardisease,and stroke (NPCDCS) has been launched since 2011-2012 but there is paucity of information on progressand implementation of this program.Method: The objective was to do situational analysis for assessing the current implementation of NCDprograms in peri-urban area and to implement the package of essential NCD services by capacity buildingof existing staff through routine health care delivery for effective coverage. After training of ANMsimplementation was started. Baseline assessment was performed through pre-tested questionnaire amongsubjects (n=1026) who were aged> 30 years and residing in that area for >6 months.Result: About 37% (n= 406) of the people were screened for hypertension, 34% (n=352) were screened fordiabetes in the last one year. Post intervention screening coverage was increased to 96.9%, 97.5% for bloodsugar and blood pressure respectively and 95.4%, 93.4% and 54.8% for oral, breast and cervical cancer.After implementation 23(2.4%) new cases of diabetes and 132 (13.2%) new cases of hypertension werediagnosed.Conclusion: Screening coverage at baseline analysis was found to be 37.1% and 34% for blood pressure andblood sugar measurement respectively and 0.5%, 0.2%, 0.3% for oral, breast and cervical cancer screening,respectively. This highlights the poor implementation of the programme. After implementation, screeningcoverage for measurement of blood pressure and blood sugar improved by about 60% and by about 90% forthree common cancers.
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