Process for the manufacture of pulp for the human and / or animal comprising at least 35% of legume.

The invention relates to a process for obtaining an extruded or laminated dough intended for human and / or animal consumption, comprising at least the steps of: a) hydrating a flour and / or semolina, or a mixture flours and / or meal comprising at least 35% by weight of legume or a mixture of pulses, relative to the total dry weight of said flour and / or semolina, or said mixture of flour and / or semolina, for a flour and / or semolina, or a mixture of flour and / or semolina hydrated (e); b) mixing the flour and / or semolina, or the mixture of flour and / or semolina hydrated (e) obtained in step a) at a temperature below room temperature, preferably at a temperature less than 15 ° C to obtain a malaxât; and c) extruding or rolling the malaxât obtained in step b) at a temperature below 50 ° C, preferably at a temperature between 35 ° C and 45 ° C to obtain an extrudate or preferably at a temperature between 28 ° C and 30 ° C to obtain a laminated dough, said method being performed under conditions suitable for reducing and / or inhibiting the enzymatic reactions, preferably enzymatic oxidation and non-enzymatic reactions, preferably non-enzymatic reactions radical.
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