Seksualność tancerzy i osób uprawiających japońskie sztuki walki Sexuality of dancers and Japanese martial arts athletes

Introduction. Aim of the study was to show eventual differences In sexuality between professional dancers and japanese martial arts athletes, as well as athletes of other disciplines and people that do not practice sport. Materials and methods. 384 people were examinated, 180 women (46,8%) and 204 men (53,2%). Among this sample, 4 groups were formed: group one: professional dancers, group two: japanese martial arts athletes, group three: athletes of other disciplines (team sports and athletics mostly), group four: people that do not practice sport. Results and conclusions. Data analysis showed several statistically important differences between investigated groups. Men in all groups achieved assertively higher results in Mell-Krat questionnaire than women of any group. Athletes, and gender doesn’t matter, achieved decidedly higher results in Mell-Krat questionnaire than people which do not practice sport at all.
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