Passive tracking of multiple diving sperm whales using single hydrophones at two mobile locations

A simple method using only two hydrophones, each loosely deployed from separate mobile platforms, has been developed to simultaneously track several vocalizing sperm whales. The separation distance of several hundred meters between the hydrophones implies that a particular whale could present vastly different beam orientations towards them, thus precluding use of any specific relationship between the click signal levels at the two locations for the purpose of whale localization. This method utilizes time‐of‐arrival of the direct clicks and their surface reflections and matches them at the two hydrophone locations. Whales are segregated on the basis of the set of observed time delays. Click parameters such as interpulse interval and average click frequency are proposed to be used as secondary data for the purpose of track refinement. Depth profile of the whales is obtained independent of the separation distance between the two hydrophones. However, knowledge of the separation distance between the hydrophon...
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