Показатели продуктивного долголетия коров черно-пестрой породы в зависимости от линейной принадлежности

Main reasons for disposal of breeding cows of black-and-white breed analyzed, indicators of their lifetime productivity and economic use of the terms depending on the linear accessory estimated (Reflection Sovering, Montvik Chieftain, Vis Beck IDEAL). Cows of Reflection Sovering line exceeded animals of other groups on lifetime (7.36 years), and term of economic use (4.99 lactations). The reasons for the disposal of cows of this line were (more likely than the other groups), the disease of the legs (13.3 %), the shortcomings of the exterior (1.3 %), infectious diseases (1.3 %), pericarditis (1.3 %). Lifetime productivity of cows of Reflection Sovering line more than the animals of Vis Back IDEA and Montvik Chieftain lines. Due to yield this difference was 2443.0 (9.55 %), and 3803.0 kg (14.8 %) for groups respectively; by the number of milk fat 151.7 (13.7 %) and 213.1 kg (19,3 %) (P < 0,05). The period of their economic use increases when extending the lifetime (r = + 1,00) (P < 0.01). In the case of increasing the lifetime of cows for 1 year, the period of their use shall be extended by 0.2 lactations (R = 0,16). The relationship between the lifetime of cows and their lifetime milk yield, the amount of milk fat is positive and high due to yield r = +0,95 (P < 0.001), according to milk fat r = +0,93 (P < 0.01). In the case of increasing the lifetime of cows of studied herd for one year, their lifetime milk yield will increase by 597 kg, and the quantity of milk fat in milk 33.1 kg. The greatest strength of the influence of linear accessory on lifetime of cows (55.0 %), while the lowest on the value of lifetime milk yield (2.0 %).
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