Управління маркетингом на торговельному підприємстві

The purpose of the study is to identify the main aspects for marketing management of the trade company. The research deals with peculiarities of marketing management in the enterprise due to modern economic conditions. Methodology of research. The research methods: analysis and synthesis, systematization and synthesis, dialectical approach. Findings. There was described the main purpose of the management system. There were considered, the categories “marketing management” and “managing marketing”, the main components of marketing management were defined. There were described the indicators for implementation of managerial efforts of the trade enterprise. Practical value. The study proves that management for marketing activities will ensure: effective long-term marketing interaction of the enterprise with its target market; accelerating the integration of marketing processes; improvement of internal interconnections within the enterprise; combination of a marketing strategy and a general strategy for the development of the trade company; positioning of the enterprise as a competitive subject of market activities. Keywords: trade enterprise, management, marketing, marketing management, managing marketing. REFERENCES 1. Ivanov, Y . B. (2016). Efektyvnist marketynhovoi diialnosti pidpryiemstv v suchasnykh umovakh pidvyshchenoi dynamichnosti ta ryzykovanosti pidpryiemnytstva [Efficiency of marketing activity of enterprises in modern conditions of increased dynamism and riskiness of entrepreneurship]. Ekonomika: realii chasu – Economy: realities of time, 1 (11), 155–160 [in Ukrainian]. 2. Pavlenko, A. F. & Voichak, A. V. (2013). Marketing [Marketing]. Кyiv : KNEU [in Ukrainian]. 3. Aaker, D. A. (2008). Strategic market management (5ht ed.). New-York : Lehingh Press. 4. Kotler, P. & Keller, K. L. Marketing management (14th ed.). (n.d.) Retrieved from http://socioline.ru/files/5/283/kotler_keller__ marketing_management_14th_edit ion.pdf (accessed 22 December 2017). 5. Perreault, William D. Jr. & E. Jerome McCarthy. (2009). Basic Marketing: A Global Managerial Approach (13th ed.). Boston : Irwin/McGraw-Hill. Published:   2019-06-13
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