Анализ прямых медицинских затрат на лечение бронхиальной астмы в Томской области

The aim of this pharmacoepidemiological study was to assess direct medical expenditure in bronchial asthma patients of Tomsk region. This study involved 394 patients with different severity of asthma. The main marker of efficacy was asthma control levels according to E.Bateman’s criteria. Results dem onstrated that majority of the patients (86.1 %) had not achieved the asthma control with E. Bateman's criteria. Structures of direct medical expenses w ere different in patients with controlled and uncontrolled asthma. Personal expenditure for basic therapy predominated in patients with controlled asthma and state expenditure for expensive medical care (emergency, hospitalization) prevailed in patients with uncontrolled asthma. The most effective asthma treatment program was a com bination of adequate basic therapy and regular specialized consultations.
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