Кварцевые обособления в сланцах и амфиболитах Восточно-Уфалейской зоны как источник кварцевого сырья (Южный Урал)

Research subject. In this research, we studied lenses, nodules and interlayers of granulated quartz, which are located in amphibolites and shales in the eastern part of the Ufalei gneso-amphibolite complex. Materials and methods . Petrographic features of the quartz bodies from garnet-mica, two-mica, garnet-mica and tourmaline-garnet-mica schists and amphibolites were studied using optical spectroscopy on an Axiolab, Olympus BX50 misrospope. The surface morphology of quartz chips was examined using a Tescan Vega 3 Sbu scanning electron microscope equipped with an Oxford Instruments X-act energy dispersive spectrometer. The elemental composition of the initial and deeply enriched quartz concentrates was determined using a Varian-720-ES optical emission spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma. IR spectra were recorded by a Nicolet-6700 Thermo Scientific infrared Fourier spectrometer. The spectra were simulated by superposition of Gaussian lines using the Peakfit program. The surfacing of quartz glasses from a deeply enriched concentrate was carried out using a modernized GRANAT-2M growth installation under argon atmosphere. Results. Quartz interlayers, lenses and nodules with a thickness of 0.5—1.0 to 1.5—3.0 m are formed by fine-medium or coarse-grained, transparent or translucent granulated quartz. In most cases, quartz bodies exhibit a heterogeneous structure, being intensely blocked and deformed in some places. The quartz under study is characterized by low concentrations of water-containing defects and impurity elements. When conducting deep enrichment of quartz grains, the results obtained are comparable to Unimin IOTA quartz. High quality characteristics of quartz are determined by the conditions of its formation and recrystallization processes, during which the transport of mineral impurities into the intergranular space occurred. Conclusions. Lenses, nodules and interlayers of granulated quartz in the eastern part of the Ufalei gnesovo-amphibolite complex are promising raw materials for the production of high-quality quartz concentrates.
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