Hürriyete ve Adli Tıbba Adanmış Bir Ömür: Dr. Bahaeddin Şakir Bey / A Life Dedicated to Liberty and Forensic Medicine: Dr. Bahaeddin Şakir Bey

Abstract Dr. Bahaeddin Şakir Bey (1874-1922) was a forensic medicine specialist in addition to being an important political figure who worked in critical positions in breaking points of the whole world history. He later had to go to Paris because of the political activities he attended since the days he studied in The Faculty of Military Medicine. As he completed his forensic medicine specialization in Paris Faculty of Medicine, the Young Turks movement abroad gained a certain momentum with his arrival. He returned to Istanbul after the proclamation of constitutional monarchy and while he was teaching forensic medicine and working as associate dean in the faculty of medicine, he wrote Textbook of Forensic Medicine which is the first copyrighted work in forensic medicine field in our country. He was assigned as the first director of Legal Medicine Directorate. He also worked as the head physician in Red Crescent Hospital in Edirne during the Balkan War. He worked in top-level tasks in Party of Union and Progress which was a remarkable party in its period and the political intelligence organization of the period The Special Organization. He also played an active role in the independence of provinces while working in the Caucasian Front in World War I. In addition to being the originator of "Armenian Deportation", he played a role in; its planning during his visits to the eastern cities. After World War I, he had to go abroad and was sentenced to death in his absence. His activities attracted attention and he was invited to the Congress of the Peoples of the East of the Soviet Union. After he was killed by an Armenian assassin in Berlin in 1922, Ataturk protected his wife and children in personally and didn't refrain his support and help. Oz Dr. Bahaeddin Şakir Bey (1874-1922); sadece ulkemiz degil, dunya tarihi acisindan da kirilma noktasi olan donemlerde, kritik gorevlerde bulunmus onemli bir siyasi figur olmasi yaninda adli tip uzmani bir hekimdir. Mekteb-i Tibbiye-i Askeriye’deki ogrencilik yillarindan itibaren icinde bulundugu siyasal faaliyetleri nedeniyle, sonradan Paris’e gitmek zorunda kalmistir. Bir yandan Paris Tip Fakultesi’nde adli tip ihtisasini tamamlarken, yurtdisindaki Jon Turk hareketi de onun gelisiyle birlikte belirgin ivme kazanmistir. Mesrutiyetin ilanindan sonra Istanbul’a donmus, tip fakultesindeki adli tip hocaligi ile dekan yardimciligi gorevleri sirasinda ulkemizdeki adli tip alaninda ilk telif eser olan “Tibb-i Kanuni Dersleri” kitabini yazmistir. Kendisinin ayrica, tasraya atanan hekimlere yonelik rehber niteliginde yazmis oldugu bir kitap ile olum olgusunu isledigi bir baska adli tip kitabi da mevcuttur. Gunumuzdeki Adli Tip Kurumu’nun ilk nuvesi olarak kurulan “Tababet-i Adliye Şubesi”nin ilk muduru olarak atanmistir. Hilal-i Ahmer Cemiyeti’nin yeniden organizasyonunda ve Balkan Savasi sirasinda Edirne’deki Hilal-i Ahmer Hastanesi bashekimligi gorevinde bulunarak, tip alanindaki katkilarini akademi ile sinirli tutmamistir. Bir doneme damgasini vuran “Ittihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti”nde ve donemin siyasal istihbarat orgutu “Teskilat-i Mahsusa”da ust duzey gorevlerde bulunmus, 1. Dunya Savasi’nda Kafkas Cephesi’nde gorev alarak; Artvin, Ardanus ile Ardahan’in kurtulusunda bizzat rol oynamistir. “Ermeni Tehciri”nin fikri ideologu olmasi yaninda, dogu vilayetlerine giderek bizzat planlanmasinda rol almistir. 1. Dunya Savasi’nin ardindan yurtdisina cikmak zorunda kalmis, giyabinda idama mahkum edilmistir. Yurtdisindayken surdurdugu, Musluman milletlerin mucadelesine dair faaliyetleri ilgi cekmis ve Sovyetler Birligi’nin Dogu Halklari Kurultayi’na davet edilmistir. 1922 yilinda Berlin’de Ermeni bir suikastci tarafindan oldurulmesi sonrasinda, Ataturk; esi ve cocuklarina bizzat sahip cikmis, destegini ve yardimlarini esirgememistir.
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