Remote plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (rpcvd) process for low temperature (<450°c) epitaxy of si and si, 1-xgex

ABSTRACT Remote Plasma-enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (RPCVD) is a low temperature growth technique which has: been successfully employed tor in situ remote hydrogen plasma cleaning, dielectric deposition, silicon homoepitaxy and Si1−x, Gex heteroepitaxy in the temperature range of 150°C-450°C. The growth rate of epitaxial Si in the RPCVD process can be varied from 0.4A/min to 50A/min by controlling the r-f power. The wide range of controllable growth rates makes RPCVD a excellent tool for applications ranging from quantum-well type structures to more conventional Si epitaxy. Epitaxial Si and Si1−x, Gex films with defect densities below the detectable limits of TEM (∼105 cm− 2 or less) and low oxygen content (∼3×101B cm− 3) have been achieved by RPCVD. The in situ boron-doped Si films have been grown on n-typo, phosphorus-doped substrates to form p-n junctions for mesa diode fabrication. The mesa diodes with different boron doping concentrations (1017-1019 cm− 3) show good current-voltage characterist...
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