Case 3: Congestive Hepatopathy with High Liver and Spleen Stiffness in a 17 Years Old Male Patient

We hereby report on the case of F.C., a 17 years old male patient, who was initially referred to our Unit on the advice of his cardiologist at a tertiary referral center. He presented with an anatomic single ventricle, also known as univentricular heart, a condition known since birth. The univentricular heart is defined as the presence of only one well-developed ventricle and the other rudimentary ventricle (if present) with less than 30% of its expected volume. The patient underwent a first surgical procedure by Glenn in 2005, followed by Fontan surgery in 2008. The Fontan procedure, firstly described as a surgical palliation for a single ventricle with tricuspid atresia, has become the standard operation for all patients with single-ventricle physiology (e.g., hypoplastic left-heart syndrome, pulmonary atresia, unbalanced atrio-ventricular canal defects) [1–4].
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