Depresión en jóvenes usuarios regulares de cocaína reclutados en la comunidad

a b s t r a c t Objective: To identify the pro“le of community-recruited regular cocaine users and the prevalence of recent depression and associated factors. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 630 regular cocaine users who were not heroin con- sumers. Depression, social support and dependence were evaluated with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, the Duke-Functional Social Support Questionnaire, and the Severity of Dependence Scale, respectively. Results: The mean age was 23 years and 33% of users were women. The predominant pro“le of cocaine use was recreational-intense. Most (88%) participants had completed secondary education. The use of emergency services in the previous year was 45.9% and 7.8% were under drug-dependence/psychiatric treatment. The prevalence of depression was 14.6%. In the multivariate analysis, the factors associated with recent depression were female gender, homelessness, ketamine consumption, and less con“dential support
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