Depth profiles of boron and hydrogen in boron-doped diamond films and related performance characteristics

Abstract Depth profiles of boron and hydrogen in heavily, moderately, and lightly CVD boron-doped diamond films were determined by nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) and elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), respectively. The results indicate that the boron depth distribution in these films is uniform, whereas the hydrogen depth distribution shows a clear three-layer structure: the surface adsorption layer, the diffusion region, and the hydrogen-containing uniform matrix. The hydrogen content in the film increases with the boron-doping level, implying that the dangling bonds and CH bonds are accordingly increased in the films. Both the peak-to-base ratio near the Raman shift at 1332 cm −1 and the specific resistance of the films decreases with increasing boron-doping concentration. The effects of hydrogen profile and boron-doping concentration on these related performance characteristics are studied.
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