Liquid banding of fungicide increases yields of cereals in paddocks with rhizoctonia bare-patch

Rhizoctonia bare-patch (R. solani AG8) is a problem across WA's cereal growing areas and is estimated to reduce WA state-wide cereal yields by 1% to 5% annually at a cost of $27M in wheat and barley (Murray and Brennan, 2009. 2010). Current management practices recommended to minimise the impacts of rhizoctonia bare-patch In WA are combinations of, cultivation with a fungicide seed-dressing and adequate nutrition (Gupta et al., 2012). In 2013, new fungicide options became available for application on seed, including Vibrance® and EverGol Prime®. In DAFWA and SARDI field trials, these new seed treatments increased yield by 5% on average In wheat and barley ( Huberli et al., 2013). Further to the research on seed treatments by OAFWA and SARDI, new fungicides and methods of application have been developed to reduce yield losses caused by R. solani. The first field trials to evaluate banding of liquid fungicides for R. solani control were conducted in WA in 2005 at Katanning and Northam (Syngenta funding) and in SA in 2010 at Geranium (SAGIT/Syngenta funding). In-furrow banding 2-3 cm below the seed is anticipated to provide protection to the seminal roots whereas surface banding of product behind the press wheel is anticipated to protect the crown roots. This paper summarises the yield responses from most of the field trials conducted in WA and SA from 2011 to 2013 to evaluate liquid banding of fungicides to reduce yield losses caused by R. solani and efficacy data to label registration by the APVMA. The APVMA is currently considering applications from Syngenta and Bayer CropScience for label recommendations to band fungicides, and if approved, registration should be granted in 2015. Only the results of a Syngenta coded product (SYNSIF1 ) are presented in this paper to avoid supporting off-label use of other products.
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