Pushing the Boundaries of Appliability

4EWithin cognitive science there exists a growing trend of embedded, embodied, extended and enacted cognition. This chapter outlines the fundamentals of the 4E approaches to cognition, and identifies the gap in the literature that this work hopes to fill. It provides cation of systemic functional ideas in cognitive science in a wider sense, by arguing that cognition can properly be considered to be an open, dynamic, semiotic system, as has also been argued to be true for language by Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) orientated scholars. The chapter discusses the applications of the dimensions. The chapter provide a how architectural issues in SFL can be applied to cognitive science. Extended cognition takes the view that external factors can be constituents of processes that we considers to be mental, and therefore blur the boundary between the 'inside' and the 'outside'. The chapter addresses the lack of an explicit conceptual framework for an externalist approach to cognition.
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