Taxonomy and new taxa of the Carex divulsa aggregate in Eurasia (section Phaestoglochin, Cyperaceae)

The Carex divulsa aggregate, belonging to the Carex muricata group in section Phaestoglochin (Cyperaceae), was studied using 60 macro- and micromorphological characters over a wider geographical range than has been attempted previously, and the status or identity of several taxa commonly associated with this aggregate was examined. The results of numerical analysis support the recognition of six new species within the Carex divulsa aggregate, which are also in accordance with their geographical circumscription. Carex cyprica is endemic to Cyprus, C. enokii is from the Mediterranean Basin, C. magacis from the mountains of Spain and France, C. nordica from Northern Europe, and C. egorovae and C. otomana from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The morphological data were coded and used in a phylogenetic analysis to discover the relationships between taxa. A key to all taxa belonging to the aggregate is included. Diagnostic characters, illustrations, and detailed descriptions of all species are given. Notes on the habitat, distribution, phenology, etymology, and conservation status of each taxon are also presented. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 156, 385–409.
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