Evolution of the activity of UGT1A1 throughout the development and adult life in a rat

Abstract Biliary excretion is the main route of disposal of bilirubin and impaired excretion results in jaundice, a well recognisable symptom of liver disease. Conjugation of bilirubin in the liver is essential for its clearance. The glucuronidation of bilirubin is catalysed by the microsomal UDP-glucuronosyltransferase UGT1A1. Patients with Crigler–Najjar syndrome type 1 and Gunn rats, mutant strain of the Wistar rats, bear an autosomal recessive disorder resulting in hyperbilirubinemia. The aim of this work is to add new data about activity of UGT1A1 during the perinatal period and adult life. The results showed that activity of UGT1A1 is detectable from day 22 of the gestation. After birth, activity of UGT1A1 gradually increases and reaches the levels of adult life. Furthermore, bilirubin azopigments have been separated and characterized by thin layer chromatography. We have found that concentration of samples by evaporation and ulterior storing at − 20 °C seemed to be suitable for the maintenance of samples.
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