A solution to analyze mobile eye-tracking data for user research in GI Science

Mobile eye-tracking has enabled GI user studies to be conducted in real-world environments, where the usability of mobile applications presenting spatio-temporal information and the cognitive process during the interaction with the information can be studied in a realistic context. But the dynamics in the real-world environments challenge the analysis of the data, and the standard solutions provided by eye-tracker vendors don’t necessarily fit the need of GI user research. This thesis attempts to develop a prototype solution that assists the analysis of mobile eye-tracking data collected with a mixed-methods approach in GI user research. The development of the prototype solution follows the user-centered-design approach. Requirements are formulated based on a literature review on the application of mobile eye-tracking in GI user studies, the current analysis practice, and existing analytical solutions. The implemented first-stage prototype solution consists of a fixation mapping component, a screen-recording processing component, and a think-aloud data processing component, and provides possibilities for synchronizing the processed data. It attempts to automatically map fixations to real-world objects and screen contents, and (semi-)automatically process the think-aloud data with a transcription-segmentation-encoding pipeline. The results from these components, and location data (GPS measurements during the eye-tracking session), can be synchronized and analyzed together. The prototype solution is demonstrated and preliminarily evaluated with a case study. The case study data was originally collected to evaluate a mobile application aiming to assist geography fieldwork education. In the case study, mobile eye-tracking data, together with screen recording videos, think-aloud audios and GPS recordings are processed and analyzed with the prototype in an exploratory study that aims to describe the interaction between the application and the environment, and to discover usability issues with the application. The analysis explores the distribution and sequence of fixations, identifies usability issues from think-aloud protocols, and describes the test person's fieldwork learning process with synchronized fixation-verbalization-location data. The prototype solution is able to map fixations and encode think-aloud protocols with reasonable consistency compared with manual processing results. By processing and integrating data collected with a mixed-methods approach, it can assist the exploration of the linking process between the environment, the representation of it, and the mental map as people interact with geographic information in a real-world environment.
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