Multifractal of terrain profiles of seismic landslides and its application to stability assessment

A mass of landslides and instable slopes was induced in "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake.The stability of the landslides and instable slopes would influence the development of society and economy and reconstruction in the affected area of the earthquake.The different stability states of the seismic landslides determine the different evolvement characteristics of the terrain profiles and the terrain profile traces directly reflect the evolvement process and mechanism of slopes in the seismic excitation.Based on the measured terrain profile traces of landslides induced by the Wenchuan earthquake,the distributive characters of terrain profile traces of the relative stable landslides and landslides in slow sliding and instable phases,and their multifractal dimension evolution characters were studied.Results show that the evolvement of multifractal dimensions of relative stable landslides has evident orders,and landslides in slow sliding and instable phases have obvious characteristic inflexions.
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