Thepollutionlevels of BTEXandcarbonyls underhazeandnon-hazedays in Beijing, China

article i nfo The North China Plain including Beijing is frequently suffering from serious haze days in recent years. To best recognize the influence of haze days on regional air quality, the pollution levels of deleterious gases of BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m,p-xylene and o-xylene) and carbonyls (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone) under haze and non-haze days were contrastively investigated during the period of September 2008- August 2010 in Beijing. In comparison with non-haze days, remarkable enhancement of BTEX and the carbonyls under haze days in winter was found, with enhancement factors of 1.9-5.7 for BTEX and of 1.5-4.2 for the carbonyls. Whereas the enhancement factors for both BTEX (1.0-3.0) and the carbonyls (1.2-1.9) under haze days in summer were relatively small. The ratios of each BTEX to CO under both haze days and non-haze days exhibited a minimal value in the afternoon, whereas maximal values for the ratios of the carbonyls to CO were usually found in the afternoon. The ratios of each BTEX to CO were extremely greater under haze days than those undernon-haze daysinwinter,butnoevidentdifference wasfoundinsummer.The ratiosofeachcarbonyl under both haze days and non-haze days in summer were at least a factor of 2 greater than those in winter and only enhancement of the ratios under haze days was found in winter. The remarkably higher ratios of ethylben- zene to m,p-xylene under haze days than non-haze days in both winter and summer revealed high reactivity of photochemical reactions initiated by OH radicals under haze days.
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