Floor heating system employing heat pump for supplying hot water

The present invention is to solve the problem: In the heat pump type hot water floor heating systems and has a floor heating function, for the size and weight Although developed a way of direct supply of hot water, but due to the operation of the hot water supply and floor heating large difference in the required heating capacity during operation, the number of revolutions of the compressor by the conventional control can not meet the requirements for low-speed operation, especially when the floor heating operation, generating from the compression mechanism portion, offset, noise and other problems . The present invention provides a heat pump type hot water floor heating systems, heat pump operation by the use of hot water, the increase in floor heating water directly heated directly supplying hot water supply heat pump hot water supply terminal machine At the same time function as a control method for a compressor by clever use of the number of revolutions are controlled and capacity control solves the problems of the prior art.
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