Theoretical StudyofthePersonal Capability Improvement inUnitTest

mission. Inother words, capability isqualifications Unittest ismajorpartofthesoftware quality people possessed tosuccessfully complete certain assurance. Theunittest quality directly affects the activities. Personal Capability directly affects the software quality. Thesoftware enterprise takes more efficiency and quality of activities. Personal andmoreattention onunit test. However, beside the Capability isthemostimportant internal factor of mature technical, tools andprocess ofunit test, the successful completion ofactivity. effect ofunit test isnotvery good. Baseonanoverall Capability can be classified intogeneral analysis oftheunit test work, thepaperindicates that capability and special capability. Thegeneral people isthekernel andties ofthetest jobs. Thekey capability refers tothetechnology andcapacity that point toimprove theunit test level istheimprovement required bypeople tocomplete theactivity, suchas ofthePersonal Capability oftest personnel. attention, perception, memory,etc.The special Thepaperintroduces theconcepts ofcapabilitycapability refersto some exceptional ability andPersonal Capability inunittest. Thethree demonstrated bytheprofessional activities, suchas characters ofPersonal Capability forunit test aretest arithmetic ability, machinery capacity, andtheflight efficiency, testquality andforecast. Personal capacity. Capability research studies special Capability isreflected anddeveloped byspecific capability, forthespecial capability isthemajor activities andpractices. Threekeypractices for factor tosuccessfully complete themission. capability improvements areplanpractice, track Capability tiesup withspecific activities to practice andevaluate andimprove practice. The complete atask. Thecapability ofaperson canbe paper introduces three keypractices indetail.
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