OZET Bu calisma, annelerin cocuklarinin hastaneye yatisindan nasil etkilendigini irdelemek amaciyla planlandi. Elde edilen veriler bilgisayar ortaminda, ortalama, yuzdelik, ki-kare ve t testi kullanilarak degerlendirildi. Cocugu ile birlikte hastane-de bulunan annelerin buyuk cogunlugunun ekonomik gucluk yasadigi (%79.2), % 84.2’sinin cocugunun hastaligi ile ilgili endiseleri oldugu goruldu. Saglik gorev-lilerinden, endiselerinin giderilmesi yonunde destek alan anne orani ise oldukca dusuk bulundu (% 20). Cocuklarin hastaneye yatis sayisi arttikca aile iliskilerinin olumsuz etkilendigi, yatma suresi uzadikca annelerin saglik gorevlilerinden destek alma oraninin azaldigi belirlendi. Bu dogrultuda; hemsi-relerin, aile ve cocuklara ihtiyac duyduklari rehberlik, danismanlik, egitim hizmetlerini vermesi, annelerin cocuklarinin hastalik-larina iliskin duygu ve dusuncelerini paylasabilecekleri, egitim ve destek gruplar-inin planlanmasi, cocugun hastaliginin aileye getirdigi ekonomik yuku azaltmada ve bundan dolayi etkilenen aile ici iliskilerin olumlu hale getirilmesinde sosyal kurulus-larin desteginin saglanmasi onerilebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: hastaneye yatma, cocuk, anne. ABSTRACT The Research of Affected Situation of Mothers Whom Children in Hospital This reserch was planned to examine how are mothers affected because of their children’s hospitalization. The data were analyzed on computer program by using mean, frequencies-percentages, chi square and t- test. Majority of mothers who are in hospital with their child stated that they have economical distress (% 79.2), %84.2 of mothers have anxiety interested with their child’s disease. However, it is determined that the rate of mothers who take support from health officials to reduce their anxiety is rather low (%20). Also it is decided the relations of family affected negatively because of frequency of children’s hospita-lization and the rate of mothers interested with taking support from health officials becomes less by long hospitalization period. By this appproach, these are suggested that nurses provide guidance and education services to family and children what they need, education groups are planned for mothers to share feelings and thoughts related to their childrens’ illness and also, associations’ support is provided to reduce the economical burden of family because of child’ illness and for positive relation in family which is affected because of this. Keywords: hospitalization, child, mother.
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