Characteristics and possible utilisation of Busha population in different Balkan countries

Received: 2018-05-07 | Accepted: 2018-05-14 | Available online: 2018-11-26 Busha cattle are indigenous breed in many Balkan countries. Because of the economic, cultural and scientific reasons it is very important to protect biological diversity of autochthonous breeds like Busha. In the past several decades, as a result of uncontrolled crossing of this cattle with some more productive breeds, the number of purebred Busha animals is permanently being reduced which imposes an urgent need for setting up in situ and ex situ conservation program for this breed. Since Busha is bred in many Balkan countries, the aim of this study was to define main productive, reproductive and exterior traits of Busha cattle in the following countries: Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia. Also, number of animals and possibility of future production system was analysed. Analysed data indicate that highest milk production potential and lowest age at first mating has Serbian Busha (till 2000 kg in lactation, at 18 months). Regarding the exterior traits, smallest frame was observed in Bosnian and Macedonian Busha. The population decrease in the past several decades was determined in all analysed countries. The conservation programs in Croatia and Serbia resulted in certain increase of Busha population, but aiming successful preservation of the breed, economically effective production systems should be put in practice. The branding of Busha’s products could result in necessary added value. Taking into account similarity between all Busha breeds as well as population sizes, branding should be organized on regional level. Keywords : Busha breed, Balkan region, characteristics, preservation References Adilovic, S., Andrijanic, M. (2005) Indigenous Breeds of Domestic Animals of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo. Agency of Food and Veterinary (AFV) of RM (2014) Cattle breed structure in Macedonia. [Online] Skopje: Agency of Food and Veterinary. Available at: [Accessed 1 March 2018]. Brka, M., Zecevic, E., Dokso, A., Rahmanovic, A. (2007) Identifikacija i evidencija brojnog stanja autohtonih pasmina goveda i konja Bosne i Hercegovine. Sarajevo: Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Brka, M., Omanovic, H., Zecevic, E., Dokso, A. (2011) Model the preservation of indigenous breeds. In: Sustainable conservation of livestock breeds diversity for the future: impact of globalisation of animal breeding and the loss of farm animal genetic diversity – a conflict? 8 th Global Conference on the Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources. Tekirdag: Namik Kemal University, 455-458. Bunevski G., Saltamarski Z. (2017) Genetic erosion of genetic resources of cattle in the R. of Macedonia. In: 3 rd International Symposium for Agriculture and Food – ISAF 2017. 18 th to 20 th of October 2017, Ohrid, Macedonia. Croatian Agricultural Agency (2017) Annual report for 2016 – Cattle Breeding. [Online] Križevci: Croatian Agricultural Agency. Available at: [Accessed 1 May 2018]. Institute for Animal Husbandry (2018) Main breeding program for autochthonous breeds of Serbia. Annual reports 2018. Belgrade: Institute for Animal Husbandry. Skrtic, Z., Levart, A., Jovanovac, S., Gantner, V., Kompan, D. (2008) Fatty Acid Profile in Milk of Busha, Cika and Simmental Breed. Acta agriculturae Slovenica, Suplement 2, 213-217.
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