StatusofSoil Phosphorus in Context with Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms in Different Agricultural Amendments in Kachchh, Gujarat, Western India

Aims :The study was carried out to assess the soil Phosphorus (P) status (available and total) in farms with organic amendments and compared the results to those which practice an integrated amendment system. In conjugation to P status of soilsoil microbi al flora in terms of total microbial count and Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganis ms (PSM) was studied. The soil c hemical parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity (EC), available nitrogen and potassium were also evaluated. Study Design:The sites selected for study comprised 8 fields of maize ( Zea mays) on two farms (4 fields for A1 and 4 fields for A2).The organic amendment (A1) included farm yard compost (FYC) applied at the rate of 4 ton/Ha, as a basal dose which was applied before sowing. In thesefields, after sowing, a five day fermented concoction of cow dung, jaggery, soil, cow urine and gram flour was applied with watering twice, at seven days
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