Hasil Plagiasi Pengaruh Pemberitaan Media Massa Terhadap Kredibilitas Pemimpin Simbolik Keagamaan

The credibility of a leader of the religious symbolic greatly influenced by the publicity given by the media. This research focuses the credibility of KH. Fuad Amin ( a religious symbolic figure ) that gets involved in corruption at Madurese community at Dr. Soetomo University Surabaya. The discussions of the problem is studied with the theory of communications science. The theory used are the leadership theory, the theory of mass media, and the theory of leader’s credibility. The methods used is explanatory survey method. The sample is taken from population using a quitionaire as basic collecting data. The sample used is the total population at the active Madurese students getting lecture at Dr. Soetomo University. The T-test shows that the influence is significant toward the news of KH. Fuad Amin corruption cases and the religious symbolic leader credibility. Keyword: Credibility, Mass Media, leadership
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