Ladybirds (Coccinellidae) of Britain and Ireland

The ladybird (Coccinellidae) family comprises a diverse group of beetles. There are 47 species of Coccinellidae resident in Britain and Ireland. Some species are brightly coloured and these are colloquially termed “ladybirds”. Others are small and inconspicuous, although these, on close inspection, are just as attractive as their charismatic counterparts. In this atlas, we describe the distribution of ladybirds in Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, using data collated through the Biological Records Centre Coccinellidae Recording Scheme (including the UK Ladybird Survey) since 1964. Ladybirds are charismatic beetles with fascinating life histories. Their interactions with natural enemies, particularly parasites, are intriguing and we hope that this atlas will encourage further recording of ladybirds and also the natural enemies associated with them. This publication is a celebration of the work of Mike Majerus and the many ladybird recorders he inspired; tens of thousands of people have contributed their records to the UK Ladybird Survey. “...this atlas offers so much more than distribution maps. Using photographs and text it helps with the identification of all ladybird species, from the largest to the smallest, and in all their stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. There is information on life histories, behaviour, host plants and prey, and details of the enemies of ladybirds, especially their parasites. And it comes at a critical moment in the story of ladybirds in Britain and Ireland.” Roger Hawkins (Ladybirds of Surrey)
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