Variability of marine biological productivity in the northeastern Pacific over the past millennium Variabilidad de la productividad biológica marina en el Pacífico nororiental durante el último milenio

In this study we present new data of biogenic opal (BO), organic carbon (OC), and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in a high- resolution record from the western coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. The variability of marine biological productivity in this area is dominated by El Nino and La Nina events on different time scales. The BO and OC contents showed a decrease between AD 1100 and 1400. From AD 1400 to the present, BO and OC showed a significant increase, indicating permanent upwelling conditions. The CaCO3 content showed an inverse correlation with OC, which suggests that the exported OC fluxes are a significant factor controlling CaCO3 dissolution in the sediment. The increase in BO and OC was synchronic with a decline in the number of El Nino events (6 ± 4 every 100 years) over the last 600 years of the millennium.
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