Sterilization of Cage Layer Droppings and Poultry Litter by Deep Stacking

An economical Mnd practical method of sterilizing cage layer droppings (CLD) and poultry litter (PL) for a safe use of these materials in the rations of livestock was developed by reconstituting to 30% moisture level and then deep stacking to a height uf 1.84 m for a period of 14 d and evaluated. Temperature, moisture and pH of the stacks were monitored daily. CLD and PL samples were collected Just prior to stacking (0 day) and then on 7th and 14th day after stacking and were assessed for bacterial load and identification of individual species of bacteria. There was rapid buiitup of heat from 2nd day of stacking and peak temperature of 68°C was recorded on 8th d which declined slowly upto 14th d. Thii resulted in decrease ofmoisture content to 16.80 and 16.02%, respectively in CLD and PL stacks. pH of the stacks declined gradually from 8.78 to 7.16 and 8.68 to 7.21 for CLD and PL stacks, respectively. Bacterial counts decreased from 78x106 and 102x106 to 42x102 and 32x102, respectively in CLD and PL stacks from O to 14th day. Salmonella, Shigella, Proteus Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and Escherichia were present on 1st and 7th d but absent on 14th d. These results indicate that deep stacking for 14 d was economical and easily adoptabte method at the farmers level for sterilization of poultry litter.
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