A nuclear micro battery for Mems devices

Micro-electromechanical Systems (MEMS) have not gained wide use because they lack the on-device power required by many important applications. Several forms of energy could be considered to supply this needed power (solar, fossil fuels, etc), but nuclear sources provide an intriguing option in terms of power density and lifetime. This paper describes several approaches for establishing the viability of nuclear sources for powering realistic MEMS devices. Isotopes currently being used include alpha and low-energy beta emitters. The sources are in both solid and liquid form, and a technique for plating a solid source from a liquid source has been investigated. Several approaches are being explored for the production of MEMS power sources. The first concept is a junction-type battery. The second concept involves a more direct use of the charged particles produced by the decay: the creation of a resonator by inducing movement due to attraction or repulsion resulting from the collection of charged particles. Performance results are provided for each of these concepts. (authors)
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