Впровадження сучасних методів оцінки ядерної безпеки систем поводження з відпрацьованим паливом на АЕС України

The criticality analysis of main systems for management of VVER spent nuclear fuel has demonstrated that not all spent fuel management systems meet regulatory requirements in force for modern nuclear fuel. But the inconsistencies between these systems and regulatory requirements should not be considered as drawbacks of these systems. What is more, they should be considered the consequences of excessive conservatism of Ukrainian regulatory requirements in force. It was demonstrated that the excessive conservatism laid previously into the requirements on nuclear safety in Ukraine due to insufficient development of means for modeling processes in nuclear fuel can be considerably decreased through using more real modeling fuel systems. If such modeling is performed at the state-of-the-art level, based on more complete understanding the processes in fuel systems, then removal of the excessive conservatism will not reduce the safety of nuclear dangerous systems.
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