Crecimiento de árboles individuales de Geoffreea decorticans Burk., en un bosque del Chaco semiárido, Argentina

The objective of this study was to improve the knowledge on the annual growth rates of Geoffreea decorticans (chanar), to define the evolution of annual growth increment (IR), diameter at breast height (DAP), normal section (DN) with age, to estimate mean annual (IMA) and annual increment (IA) in order to propose guidelines for proper management of the species. The study was carried out in a semiarid Chaco forest, at Quebrachos Park, Alberdi, Santiago del Estero Province, Argentina. For epidometric stem analysis, 16 vigorous trees were selected based on DAP greater than 15 cm and clean bole. From each tree cross-sections of 5 cm thickness were removed at 0,30 m; 1,30 m above ground, and at the end of the stem. Definition of ring boundaries and ring with measuring were made with computerized equipment ANIOL and the computer program CATRAS. The data were analyzed with the statistical software package INFOSTAT. Chanar presented well-defined annual growth rings. The average thickness of rings is 5,90 mm (1,79 – 16,55). The age of completion for DAP was determined to be the five  years, and NS is achieved after 37 years. This growth rate can define the management on short rotations.
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