Sensor Informatics of IoT, AR/VR, and MR in Healthcare Applications

In today’s fast moving world, the growth in technologies is irrefutable. Especially in health care, the need of technology advancement is meticulous. The emerging technologies include Internet of things (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Robotics. Each and every gadget is made up of some sensors. With the day-to-day advancements in manufacturing and optimization technology, sensors are becoming a powerful supporting device in every field which gives ease in the collection of data. The collection of information is done with the help of sensors like MEMS sensor, position tracking sensors, etc. for the respective network technology from the real world at various locations in a distributed physical environment. Apart from the advancement in technologies, there is a trade-off between the data collection and data handling. Big data analytics itself an extreme part of these emerging technologies since all these advancements are based on data. Before entering into the data analytics, in this chapter, the essential informatics of various sensors used in distinct applications based on emerging technology such as IoT, AR/VR, and Mixed Reality in healthcare applications is conferred here.
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