Prophylaxis of psychosomatic disorders in sailors

: Subject of the analysis was incidence of incipient and clinical forms of psychosomatic pathologies (PSP) in the military personnel of a remote garrison on the Kola Peninsula including contractors on active (AS) and written off (WS) nuclear submarines, and in coastguard unit (CU). Incipient PSP was found in 15.61 % of the military. The PCP percentage rose to 13.44, 14.18 and 20.15 in the crews of active and written battleships, and the coastguard unit, respectively. Dynamics of the PCP incidence was age-dependent. Within the PCP structure cardiovascular diseases averaged 11.3 % (AS - 7.69 %, WS - 7.09 % and CU - 20.16 %) and gastro-intestinal disturbances averaged 67.63 % (AS - 6.11 %, WS - 5.91 % and CU - 8.12 %). The analysis produced an ample proof of the necessity to give psychotherapeutic consultation to somatic patients and laid a ground for a concept of treatment of these patients.
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