Optimized I-values for use with the Bragg additivity rule and their impact on proton stopping power and range uncertainty

Purpose: Novel imaging modalities estimate patient elemental compositions for particle treatment planning. The mean excitation energy (I-value) is a main contributor to the proton range uncertainty. To minimize their impact on beam range errors and quantify their uncertainties, the currently used I-values proposed in 1982 are revisited. The study aims at proposing a new set of optimized elemental I-values for use with the Bragg additivity rule (BAR) and establishing uncertainties on optimized I-values and the BAR. // Methods: We optimize elemental I-values for the use in compounds based on measured material I-values. We gain a new set of elemental I-values and corresponding uncertainties, based on the experimental uncertainties and our uncertainty model. We evaluate uncertainties on I-values and relative stopping powers (RSP) of 70 human tissues, taking into account statistical correlations between tissues and water. The effect of new I-values on proton beam ranges is quantified using Monte Carlo simulations. // Results: Our elemental I-values describe measured material I-values with higher accuracy than ICRU-recommended I-values (RMSE: 6.17% (ICRU), 5.19% (this work)). Our uncertainty model estimates an uncertainty component from the BAR to 4.42%. Using our elemental I-values, we calculate the I-value of water as 78.73+/-2.89 eV, being consistent with ICRU 90 (78+/-2 eV). We observe uncertainties on tissue I-values between 1.82-3.38 eV, and RSP uncertainties between 0.002%-0.44%. With transport simulations of a proton beam in human tissues, we observe range uncertainties between 0.31% and 0.47%, as compared to current estimates of 1.5%. // Conclusion: We propose a set of elemental I-values well suited for human tissues in combination with the BAR. Our model establishes uncertainties on elemental I-values and the BAR, enabling to quantify uncertainties on tissue I-values, RSP as well as particle range. This work is particularly relevant for Monte Carlo simulations where the interaction probabilities are reconstructed from elemental compositions.
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