Скалярная калибровка акселерометров низкой и средней точности

This paper considers the possibilities of using scalar calibration technique for low and medium precision accelerometers. It is intended to improve the determining precision of mathematical model coefficients of navigational accelerometers signal, while reducing requirements for the test equipment. Scalar calibration technique has been developed for high-precision sensors and their error levels so the study of technique’s error for low accuracy sensors is relevant. The article presents the assumptions of studied techniques. It gives a mathematical model of sensors, describes the basic errors of accelerometers, estimated by scalar calibration technique (zero offset error, scale factor determination error, quadratic components of scale factor error, errors of cross-links and accelerometers installation, noise of measurements). Article summarizes the features of the technique. While researching the technique, the paper discusses in detail a derivation of the relation equation taking into account the small quantities. To simplify problem, the model does not take into account quadratic components of scale factor error. The paper provides analytical formulas describing the nature of technique’s error available for the simplified model of the sensor errors. It gives a qualitative description of obtained dependences, comments main factors influencing on the errors of calibration techniques, and suggests a method of reducing their impact on the final  error. The paper numerically studies the impact of the signal model errors on the scalar calibration accuracy. It presents a modeling block diagram. A scalar calibration invariance property is tested. The paper draws conclusions about the impact of the sensor initial errors onto the accuracy of calibration. A nature of error curves is described. Figures shown in the paper allow us to estimate the accuracy level of sensors when it is possible to apply the scalar calibration technique. Conclusions are drawn about the technique applicability to the sensors with a given level of measurement noise, with a given value of zero offset and scale factor determination errors, error of cross-links and accelerometer installation. The feasible precision of studied technique is estimated.
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