Yield limiting factors, latex physiological parameters, latex diagnosis, and clonal typology

This chapter consists mainly of examination of the major limiting factors — flow and regeneration — and study of the physicochemical and biochemical parameters of latex which account for them. A certain stability in the measurement of parameters from September to the end of November makes it a suitable period for using the latex diagnosis. Flow plays a major role in latex production. Ecoclimatic conditions, tapping systems, the utilization of stimulating agents, and also the characteristics of the laticiferous system and its relation with surrounding tissue in the bark govern the mechanisms of flow. The two primary limiting factors in production are first, flow, which governs the quantity of latex collected at tapping, and second, in situ regeneration of cell material between two tappings. Overexploitation implies a low pH reflecting disturbed metabolism following too great a demand on the laticiferous tissue. The values of the physiological parameters of latex are in general of clonal origin.
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