Parameter Study and Dynamic Simulation of the DEMO Intermediate Heat Transfer and Storage System Design UUsing MATLAB®/Simulink

Abstract This study is carried out within the DEMOnstration Balance of Plant (DEMO BoP) development activities. Despite the pulsed operation of the Tokamak reactor, a steady energy output of the DEMO BoP need to be ensured. To fulfil this requirement, a two-tank Intermediate Heat Transport and Storage System (IHTS) with HITEC molten salt as a heat transfer fluid is applied. The focus of the study is the development of a dynamic simulation model for the DEMO IHTS using MATLAB®/Simulink. The customized programme block is developed for MATLAB®, which is used for the simulation of the temperature dependences of HITEC parameters. The influence of tank geometry and molten salt temperature on the temperature decrease in the IHTS tanks in due course of service maintenance is studied. The simulation of fluid filling level as well as mass and energy flows through the IHTS during the pulse and dwell operation is carried out.
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