At risk and in love: A mixed methodexamination of the link between childhood maltreatment and youth relationships.

Abstract Introduction Research indicates that sexual and romantic relationships play an important role in youth well-being and development. This strengths-based perspective sits in tension with the documented risks that youth with histories of maltreatment face in sexual/romantic relationships. We conducted a U.S.-based mixed-method study to examine the connection between childhood maltreatment and youth relationships. Method We collected retrospective ratings of relationship quality and open-ended comments about those relationships using an online sexual life history calendar. Quantitative analyses drew on data from 98 participants (51 cisgender women, 47 cisgender men) between the ages of 18–25 (Mage = 22.51). Qualitative analyses compared demographically matched subsamples of 19 participants who reported multiple forms of child maltreatment and 20 who reported none. Results Quantitative analyses indicated that ratings of relationship stability, intimacy, and pleasure were unrelated to prior abuse or neglect. Qualitative analyses showed the relationships of those with multiple maltreatment histories, compared to those without any maltreatment, to be more often intertwined with and complicated by other hardships (e.g., homelessness). Conclusions Quantitatively, childhood maltreatment appeared unrelated to youth sexual/romantic relationship quality, though we regard those findings with due caution. Complementing this was qualitative evidence of differences between participants based on trauma histories, with those who had experienced childhood maltreatment referring more often to surrounding circumstances and hardships in descriptions of their youth sexual/romantic relationships. These mixed method findings reinforce the importance of youth sexuality research, policy, and practice that takes the broader conditions of young people's lives into consideration.
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