On the Validity of Additivity Rules for the Molecular Magnetizability Tensor and the Molecular g-Tensor in van der Waals Complexes. A Rotational Zeeman Effect Study o f 1,1-Dideutero-Cyclopropane

The molecular g-tensor and the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of cyclopropane were determined by a microwave Fourier transform study of the rotational Zeeman effect of its 1,1-dideuterated isotopomer. The results g⊥ = 0.02675 (23), g∥ = 0.06998 (23), and ξ⊥ − ξ∥ = 8.80 (31) . 10 −6 erg G −2 mol −2 are in agreement with values determined indirectly from van der Waals complexes. This finding provides experimental evidence that in van der Waals molecules additivity rules might hold to a high degree of approximation for both types of tensors. Rotational Zeeman effect studies of van der Waals complexes may thus provide valuable extra information on their structures
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