Performance of Time Hopping Impulse Radio in Ultrawideband Propagation Channels: Implications of UWB and Diversity Order Selection

´ ´´ ´ ´´ ´ ´´ Abstract. In this treatise, we quantify the effects of the UltraWideBand(UWB) on Time Hopping(TH) Impulse Radio (IR) operating in UWB propagation channels environment in terms of bandwidth utilization through diversity order selection. We select L strongest MultiPath Components (MPC) from Nr resolvable MPCs using Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) in order to achieve maximum performance gain in single and full load scenarios. Three classical detectors have being used for analysis purposes named Correlation (Corr), Zero Forcing Detector (ZFD) and Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE). Our results suggest that the diversity order L of 20 achieves maximum gain of 18dB and 12dB in single and full load Nu of 63 users scenarios, having spreading factor Ns of 63 over no diversity configuration. Hence, MPCs with delays greater than the TH chip time Tc are resolved by synchronization with the initial path of the received signal gives maximum performance gain. Streszczenie. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy dotycz ˛ acej dzialania techniki Time Hopping Impulse Radio, zastosowanej w komunikacji Ultra WideBand, pod k ˛ atem stopnia wykorzystania dost˛ epnej przepustowosci. W analizie zastosowano trzy typy detektorow: Corr, ZFD, MMSE. Wyniki badan wskazuj ˛ a, ˙ gdy komponenty wieloscie˙ zkowe o opoznieniach wi˛ ekszych niokres Time Hopping s ˛ a synchronizowane z pocz ˛ atkiem odbieranego sygnalu, osi ˛ agana jest maksymalna efektywnosc dzialania. (Dzialanie techniki Time Hopping Impulse Radio w komunikacji Ultra Wide-Band - zastosowanie UWB oraz doboru stopnia ro˙ znorodnosci).
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